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Day of Imprisoned Writer 2022

By Shiela Mae Talusan | @shiela_TRL and Josiah Paulo Mendoza | @josiah_TRL

No writer shall be imprisoned because of his ideas.

Writers are liberators of men. Without writers, the struggles of men will continue under corrupt and oppressive rule.

Today, and every 15th of November, we commemorate an annual global event called “Day of the Imprisoned Writer” that supports and protects all the storytellers in defending their rights for freedom of expression. This holiday event that started in 1981 by PEN International is a campaign that represents the stand of all writers across the world in disseminating information.

The Day of the Imprisoned Writer is not only a commemoration day for those who are facing prosecution with baseless evidence of criminal cases but those journalists, literary writers, cultural artists, and activists serving the people by truth and collectively promoting the rights of the masses.

They are not enemies of democracy but providers of justice by uplifting the voice of the majority and minority. If we think they are the enemies of the government or who hinder the freedom of the people, think again.

Now is the time to change our level of thinking about what they can provide for us. Their significant contribution of truth-telling, debunking lies from every actor of society, and posting up questions that the people need answers to is substantial, bestowing enlightenment to its readers.

In this era of disinformation and misinformation, we need to appreciate their efforts in utilizing different online social media platforms to provide top and accurate information for the people regardless of possible consequences that the “truth” bears.

Nowadays, the Philippines is going down the trap of populist ideals that harbor elements of fanaticism and tyranny where truth is often labeled as rebellious and dangerous (at least at the eyes of the state) while misinformation is being used as a weapon to galvanize their hold to power and ultimately poison our idea of democracy with their lies. And this puts us to a situation where writers and journalists were being targeted and imprisoned in the name of preserving the government’s version of truth.

One example is the case of Maria Ressa, a Nobel Prize laureate who bravely stood and criticized Former President Rodrigo Duterte “War on Drugs”. In retaliation to her exposes, Duterte influenced a series of frivolous charges that led to her conviction and with the admin issuing jail threats. Although out on bail, Ms. Ressa’s case is an example of what tyrannical governments around the world could do just to “imprison” the truth and silence its bearers.

Another instance is back in 2020, one writer has been put into prison in Uganda and his name is Kakwenza Rukirabashaijia, a well-known novelist in the country. He published a book entitled “Banana Republic: Where Writing is Treasonous” where he talks about his experiences but later interrogated because come of its contents were deemed subversive, with the Ugandan government attempting to censor progressive ideas. The case was dismissed by April 2020 but by September 2020 he was arrested for ‘inciting violence and promoting sectarianism’. Rukirabashaijia was featured for the Day of the Imprisoned that year that also trended the #FreeKakwenza movement to call for his release.

Imprisoned writers, such as Kakwenza and Ressa, are figures worth remembering during this very special day as they are not among the 900 imprisoned authors worldwide but were living proofs of attacks against human intellect and idea.

It is also good to remember other journalists who died in the name of writing the truth. According to data, there are already four journalists that were killed in Marcos Jr. administration while previous cases remain unsolved for years.

As future media practitioners let’s stand for writers who fight and outspokenly cry and demand justice for those who are still imprisoned or killed in the hands of tyrant and repressive regimes. We need to build a firm foundation for the service of the people guided with the virtues of facts fearlessly.

True democracy will surface from those who dare to deliver truth for the sake of the welfare of the masses. Like what Colonel Mike Logico said in his cryptic Facebook post, “By shooting the messenger, you validate the message”. But neither a bullet nor a cage will ever silence the truth.


Hammer, J. (2019, October 15). Maria Ressa's dangerous battle for the truth. The New York Times. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from

Day of the imprisoned writer 2020. PEN International. (2021, April 15). Retrieved November 15, 2022, from

BBC. (2020, May 5). ABS-CBN: Philippines' biggest broadcaster forced off air. BBC News. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from

Bolledo, J. (2022, October 4). Broadcaster Percy Lapid killed in Las Piñas, 2nd under Marcos. RAPPLER. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from

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